Where to get hockey pants fixed locally?

My forward pants need to be fixed. They have zippers on the inner thigh, and the zippers have become detached from the pants in spots. need to be resewn.

where can I get them fixed?

how good are the pants? it would just to be easier to buy a new pair for the prices of pants these days. But if they are a nice pair or you just really like them i dont know.

any tailor could do it…

I dunno. I mean they’re just Franklin, but they’re good ones. a guy I know hooked me up with them, when he got them when he was playing junior a’s. new pants are like a hundred bucks, and I figure these are probably ten bucks to fix. so…

I can do em Dre. I got me a pimpin sewing machine and i should be able to sew em up for ya.

oh shiet holler

i got a pair of ccm 192’s from great skate the other day for like 40bucks

meh, I’d rather get them fixed than buy new ones. $10 vs. (minimum) $50

word, Im on it. anyone else need work? lol

dry cleaners/tailor… any of them… shouldn’t be a problem.

go to any dry cleaner for a new zipper, well atleast thats what i did for a nice jacket of mine and they use a heavy duty zipper as well

yea i used to know a girl that worked at Berts on elmwood and they put a new zipper in my snowboard coat for like $10

Jason is gonna take care of it though, sounds like hes got the skills. holler!

slightly off topic, but does anyone know any place that will re-palm hockey gloves? im a cheap bastard and dont want to buy new ones, that and i still really like the itech’s i have.

Nash sports in Toronto has the palms for sale, i can stitch em in if need be-not real hard. Or call up Cinderalla Skate Shop(CSS) in NF.

i have a pair of pants that have zippers like that … however I never use the zippers, I just leave them completly open. just more comfortable that way.

re-palmin can be expensive i believe… how bad are they? is there just a couple holes or are the palms completly gone almost? if there is just a couple holes here and there you can take them to any place that repairs leather items and have them throw a patch on it for cheap.

yea, these pants are kind of big on me though. with the zippers open, they make my legs look really small. so I want to be able to zipper them up just so it doesnt look goofy