Where to get local sr20det parts? Also Machine shop prices??

Hey I am curious where a good local place in toronto/durham to get sr20det parts? I been getting most my parts from enjukuracing but the wait and shipping cost kinda sucks. Looking for aftermarket or even OEM parts from someone who has a stock of this stuff. So if anyone can send me to a has it all sr20det shop would be much appreciated.

Another question I thought I might ask quick while I am here is machine shop prices? What is the average price for basic machine job to a sr20 like, block degreased, hone, bore, resurfaced, balance rods/pistons and grind crank? I am still waiting for my bill and if I could get a ball park price to compare would be good as I have no idea what price I am looking at right now lol… Hope you guys don’t mind me asking 2 questions in one threat. Thanks.


Sr20 parts

no way. did your $70 000 180sx broke down on you?

a lot of the vendors on here stock SR20 parts…

myself included.