Where's my blackberry crew at?

just got my first one. VZW pearl.

whats your pin?


i traded that junk in.

Nice timing…

BlackBerry Users Experience Service Outage
InformationWeek - 43 minutes ago


mines running fine.

lol yea i just saw that on the news

I want a pearl, this juke keeps opening in my pocket.

gotta get some more mula together first though to pay for that data package

you pay for the data package every month, not just 1 time. just so you know.

i had the world edition and replaced it 3 times in a week. first one froze completely, second one none of the side buttons worked and the third one the keyboard stoped working. i have a palm treo 755p now and i havent had a problem yet

i know

a couple friends of mine have had them for a long time and they’re still straight

thats why i bought the BB, but i guess the world edition was the black sheep


love it. best overall quality phone i have owned.

ok, so, PIN?

world edition…no problems…yet! I want the pearl next tho

Pin = 32C229B8

Mine is sitting on my desk for me at work took TW almost 3 months to get it too me.

edit no idea what i got just hope it is not a shitty 7103e

I just got an 8820 for work a couple weeks ago.

voyager > all :stuck_out_tongue:

still have my BB pearl with the color changing pearl and its awesome. www.eveek.com has all your info uploads,ringers,themes, any questions you may need.


<3 my pearl. gonna figure out how i can get the tracball to change colors now…

edit: got it. lol, what the hell was RIM’s original intention of making the trackball capable of different colors? this is so stupid but cool.

I’m still digging my Moto Q9m, once i stopped trying to mod it it has been ultra reliable… and exchange OMA push synchronization is just too plush.

wow… for what, worst iphone rip-off with no useful features ever created ?

clearly to attract the asian market, you are case in point (even though you are a cracker)

I’m trying to modify the app so it locks the color to flourescent pink.

Then I will push it as freeware and thousands of people will be pissed off.


haha, im calling odds now, anyone want 5:1 that it needs to go back to the verizon store by 4pm today?