Wheres the pics?

I only saw one pic of what happened Friday night and Im sure theres alot more. Am I missing them or is there a reason none are posted?

one pic says it all… :sad

I’m not going to put anything else up unless he wants me too.

im so sorry bro . but is there any pics ? keep positive you will bounce back .

:+1 i have like 3 or 4 i took from my blackberry.

you all can post as many pics as you want… its common knowledge now…it just sucks ass.

I’ll post the few i have when i get a chance, plugging my BB in and uploading is a pain in the balls

trust me im in no rush to relive it… but i dont care if they are posted…

It sure is shitty. Im just curious to see it in better detail than on a camera phone.

just imagine alot of burned/melted shit…and you get the idea

Yeah, I know. Hopefully you can make the best out of this.