Where's the public outrage?

Yeah, major slant.

The school’s most celebrated faculty member is Angela Davis, a lifelong Communist, who retained her membership card even after the fall of the Berlin Wall. Davis is one of seven designated “University Professors,” a title normally “reserved for scholars of international distinction.”

Appropriately, the syllabus is introduced with a quote from the communist writer C.L.R. James.

Instructor: Angela Y. Davis, Professor, History of Consciousness and Feminist Studies.

A former Black Panther militant who purchased an arsenal of weapons that found their way into the hands of would-be hijacker whose ill-fated hostage-taking attempted in the killing of three people, including a California judge, Davis was once a vice presidential candidate on the Communist Party ticket and received a Lenin Prize from the East German police state before the Berlin Wall came down.

That’s what I love about the left in this country. Anything that doesn’t go their way must be right wing media bias.