Anyone here go to Cal U?

I’m going this coming fall, just wanted to see who goes and if they like it or not.

i did. graduated. Wasnt a bad school at all.

What you going for?

Undecided right now.

I do intend to pursue the Teaching Degree in Technical Education.

(I know there are no teaching jobs in PA, I plan on moving after school)

Acctually, Tech Ed is a pretty good division of teaching to get into. Thats what i satrted in then changed over to Information technology

Yeah. I have always enjoyed those classes in High School, and thought that would probably be the baddest job ever.

However, if I don’t like it… I don’t know what I’ll do.

Another thing I was wondering about… What’s the student life like? Parties, etc. I’m not a huge partier, but something to do on the weekends is never bad. How bored am I really going to be down in California, PA? An aquaintence of mine goes there and says I better like fishing or drinking because that’s all there is to do. He’s not the most socially inclined though. Just was curious.

on the weekends CAL is a ghost town. i suggest go home.

all the frats down there are gay as fuck. i played hockey and worked for JJ’s so i always had shit to do. as for partying, i just hung out at friends or had people over my place.

talk to Jimmay, he can let you know how the women are

Yeah it’s only an hour from my house, the drive wouldn’t be bad.

More questions… Haha

Do decent cars get vandalized much?
I catch shit for my Grand Cherokee that’s tinted on chrome wheels. I hear of nice cars getting messed up at other colleges, should I buy a beater?

i dunno. my car never got fucked with. it was parked on campus my first 2 years. mustang the first year, and then my 95 Z34 the 2nd year.

you can rent a garage through the local real estate rental agency. i think i paid like $35/ mo

Not bad. I don’t regret my decision to go to Cal. I got accepted other places, but the brand new dorms and private restrooms sold me. And it’s only an hour away.

Harvard on the Mon

Its ok, I went there for a few semisters, then retired my Cal U experience. Like Chad said on the weekends its beat… during the week it can tend to get fun, but like anything else it gets old. Im sure you will like it, its no PSU or WVU tho… thats for sure!

Sounds like it hasn’t changed much since I was there 20 years ago…

Grad here too. I met chad before PS days on campus.

They fixed the campus up alot since Ive been there.

Its still a shit hole town tho, Students get ripped off for houses that should be condemed.

That and 85% of the school Comutes still.

not to mention all the eldery/buisnesses hate the students. we were doin a project for class trying to make the entire town wireless for everyone for free. and were getting a feeler from buisnesses to see if they would let us mount an antenna on thier buildings and the owner of subway straight up said he hates the students

tech edu is suppose to be one of the best in the country enjoy it and actually pay attention and go get a job just out of school i have been a grad for about 3 years and i still havent even thought of gettin a job in teaching yet. PSU grad here though

He must be an idiot and shouldnt own a business then… imagine what he would have without the students… nothing… he would be broke as a joke.


i went there, it was a decent school i just lost interest in tech. ed. and quit throwin money into it.

i lived up at teh jefferson apartments the 1st 2 years and went home on the weekend or threw my own parties…there was shit goin on every night though while i was at cal, just depends on if you feel like putting up with the overcrowded parties.

Im sure on the flip side he as a business owner goes thru probably a 100 or so with in a year. I never even seen the fucking owner for that place. if you dont work in a restaurant and own it you have no fucking business complaining about your “workers.”

Eitherway that town is and ALWAYS will be a shit hole. Fuck, did they pretty my fire the whole police force a few years back? You would think with a college town like that the economy/people/livingconditions would be so… trash.

The college was great tho. Parking is still :greddy:

I live in Cal … I dont go to school there tho. Let me know when your going to be down there