Which hood looks best? Have a hard time deciding


2 is still the best. I mean, you want people to know that you have a sack full of nuts don’t you? The other hoods just scream “pussy.”


That is a fat man in option #3. (or a barrel with legs)

i think they are all “meh”, but i’m a fan of subtlty.

5 no homo.

they all look like dog shit

Unless you need them for a specific reason, just use an OEM hood and take that $$ and use it to buy some spray

5 for sure, the other ones look ridiculous. the car has smoot lines and the other hoods screw that all up!

i dont like any of them. i think they are corny, so i voted the slow and ghey option :tup:

Stock 05+ looks better than all of those.

Either 2 or 5.


Yep. I know… I drive an M3 also

5 or 3!

it is a tie they all look like crap

#2 would be acceptable if you had 600+WHP…why? I dunno Thats how I think about a huge cowl…it should have madd powar. My chick dig’s #4 (so, if you want a mild female car enthusiest perspective)

My vote would be to #3 if it didnt have them damn louvers near the windshield

BUT, my vote is for #1…even though it would look a bunch better if the openings were moved forward just 6" and lower the “signature” arrowhead hump in the middle down a bit.

these are just ~my~ opinions

GTO’s aren’t “slow n gay”…slow and HEAVY…:roll2: I dunno…:gotme: lol

Im digging #2

They all are terrible and since you didn’t have “stock” as an option, I voted for the only option I could.

5, you picked the worst possible picture for it tho :lol: because until you posted that other one that wasn’t domestic riced out, i thought it looked TERRIBLE

Do you have another pic available for #5? I think I might like it. Otherwise I say stock 05+ hood.