While i was banned... 2 things w/pics:


and then you have me, the californian who broke away from the U.S. and is just laughing at everyone :wink: lol

ugh I try to have good online grammar, I go and miss one fucking comma that COMPLETELY changes the meaning of my statement. :lol:

that was actually kind of funny, only because i imagined it being spoken by the announcer from “meatloaf - paradise by the dashboard lights”

i don’t think i made fun of jake vocabulary though… just his shitty replies.

LOL wozniak, I think just by talking to you makes me want to come out of the closet too , jk man

I dont have a problem with you either so I dont know where your quoting me…Im just trying to get in the fun and poke fun at the both of u’s. I just think its funny that Jake has such a problem with you.


haha, no worries. i don’t have a problem with anyone. even jake. or even badazz. especially not internet based…

Never been involved with an interweb battle before. Its kinda fun,i guess you have been in many battles online because you’re good really good

Nothing but love up in this joint.

lol jumped on newmans back how? i have barely contributed anything to this thread, you guys just tag alot of ppl sackriders, the 1st one to come in thats possibly bashing on you guys automatically becomes the token “sackrider”

if you guys are going to go by those rules then how many ppl are “sackriding” jake


Kyle did you meet your govener AARRRNNOOOOOLLLLDDDDD Yet???

i wish someone was sackriding me my nuts are really big… all balls here

fuck you jeff you faggot.

it’s about that time…


“HYPEville: i’m about to have the funniest post in nyspeed history”
you were not lying

Still pretending you have an El Es Juan…you F-Body Cock Rider

LOL…I just put in a dip of Redman when I seen this pic!!!

i love all of you