While i was banned... 2 things w/pics:

technically you are stunting newman! And I think i have a lot less of a chance of crashing than you do doing your burnout! Your day will come anyone who rides will tell you it will happen sooner or later.

i don’t really ride though… I have a motorcycle… i occaisionally drive it… but i wouldn’t consider myself a rider. If that’s stunting, then stunting is OMG cool.

wtf have i been missing?! toronto FTL.

no toronto ftw, but in your case toronto ftl yes.

toronto FTW son

so much poppin off compared to here

i’m trying to convince Dex to take me there for a weekend. it’s not lookin good. i might just have to settle for a day.

one of the things poppin up there would include this: GO LEAFS GO! :tup:

i spend way too much $ on clothes up there.

i’m trying to get a show poppin off up there though. so that way i can at least make some money back. hahaha.