White Trash Disaster Survival Kit.

White Trash Survival Kit

Toilet Paper…check
Bud Light…check
Keystone Ice…check
Red Dog…check
Misc. other bottles of alcohol…check
Piece of plywood to float your chick and booze on…check

Next time let’s all be more prepared…













Oops you forgot 1,

$40 worth of rocks in your wifes bra…check

Thats fucking racial stereotyping.

The only reason people think its funny is because they are white.

stereotypes?? in AMERICA??? GTFO NO WAY!

lol, i’m white too.


lol their on their way to ronde-vue with looter guy


incorrect. they’re trashy as well.

could you get a ticket for " PUI " pushing under the influence?

Anybody that drinks Keystone anything deserves to be made fun of.

At least somebody looted the right kind of store!

anyone drinking beer while trying to fight their way out of the results of a devistating natural disaster deserves to be called white trash(PERIOD!!!)

haha… that is pretty funny… I like it.

thought this post was gay, until I saw the picture. holy laugh out loud

They look hungry, not thirsty.

Dude their white, they didint loot the store, they found them ;)…its only looting if they were black or hispanic rofl

natty ice and a bottle of mustard, nice

well then slap me on the ass and call me white trash!

cause I was just thinking “what a great idea”


the mustard was the first thing i noticed

Mardi Gras Parade 2006 FIRST PLACE FLOAT

Probably the funniest idea I ever had.