white turbo civic talking shit apparently....

Your shit is NOT street legal smackin’s. Sorry… I will only run you if your on motor. :dunno

:rofl not much more than a CAM ONlY. JUST A FUCKING CAM SSSSSSSSSS.

too bad there isnt a Presence of a canister in my car

Oh yesssss theree is… you illegal cheater

My car was once searched by the fine ladies and gentlemen of the Rensselaer County Sheriff’s Department for nitrous due to me having a boost gauge

whoa whoa…they sell nitrous to everyone not just smokinss

Your kidding?

Guess the couple handful of times I got pulled over with nitrous in my cars the officers over looked that law.

no… had to pop my trunk and let him look. Took me awhile to convince him that it was for the turbo. He probably knew I was being honest when I opened the wastegate from a safe distance away from the checkpoint. haha


in my last camaro I had the bottle mounted in the back seat. I got pulled over by 2 young cops at 2am and they had me get out and pop the hood and trunk so they could check the shit out. They thought it was awesome. Didnt even look at my liscence.

O and sorry smokin your tails would deff fail inspection. well i would fail u hahaha :slight_smile:

sounds like you just got fooled into being searched.

no one has a problem seeing them soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Looks like youl have to become KOTS on motor smoochinsss

Not happening.

haha I guess. I’d rather comply to let him look in the trunk than have the car taken or get ticketed for a loud exhaust, no inspection, etc.

Can’t recall ever seeing them:)

got emmmmmmm

only 3 pages of bs in the last hr…we gotta keep these shit going

I waa once pulled over while in my friends charger which had 3 10 lb bottles mounted in the trunk and the cop goes " shit man, thats a lot of naughty juice." was hillarious. But lettuce be serious, no kots on motor.