it has nothing to do with anyone picking on me. I think you trying to run cars with a fucking snowmobile is nothing but a historical shit show.
you dont see me going around calling CARS out to race my full blown race quad. Why? because its not a CAR.
your calling people out with something that isnt street legal and never will be.
A street Legal vehicle that can be registered to be driven on the roads by the DMV vs Something that cant, and never will be is simply retarted.
you cant even compare it to the whole “power adder vs power adder shit” because this is a way different level. I know your not fucking dumb, so stop acting stupid.
shut up with the sled already.
A street Legal vehicle that can be registered to be driven on the roads by the DMV vs Something that cant, and never will be is simply retarted.
you cant even compare it to the whole “power adder vs power adder shit” because this is a way different level. I know your not fucking dumb, so stop acting stupid.
hmm street legal:pop…kinda like your exaust and tint huh???
oh yeah and why dont you get your turd to the track and make some progress???
my windows arent tinted buddy.
my car PASSES inspection.
how does your sled do at inspection?
o shit. No comparison.
my windows arent tinted buddy.
my car PASSES inspection.
how does your sled do at inspection?
o shit. No comparison.
sleds dont have inspection duhhhhhhhh:ahh
Nitrous is illegal to use on the streets, dmv would not approve.
no shit.
because you cant ride it on the roads to the shop, get it inspected because its a road legal vehicle and drive it home…
my point, exactly.
i’m going to build an r/c car that will rape your sled. then i’m going to flex my r/c car all over this forum trolling people with it.
May 3, 2011, 8:17pm
cars came stock with turbos and nitrous… its all good haha
i can ride my sled up to 1/4 of a mile down the road legally w/o getting it inspected…betcha not having a front plate isn’t legal
dude, why dont you build said honda first?
common you guys are scared…you can totally take the thing down the northway
I cant afford it, Guess ill have to race a sled at lvd
it aint cheap to build a sled dude…by far it aint cheap…im not saying it costs as much as an equal car but it aint something you can pickup parts at the junkyard
like a turbo?
two way street bud.
Its illegal to use a turbo?
I will run ya on my bike if you want lol
just because it will look epic.