white vette

on fire parkway east swissvale area on FIRE!!

:eek: :frowning: pics???

Herd It On The Radio

its was a zo6

good - one less old mans car to slow up traffic


had to ba a 01 then…only a couple houndred made!!!

i was just kiddin, that would be like u sayin you saw a 442 on fire to jag me off. maybe it was boy tommy’s 85 vette :eek4:

i heard on the news it was a 1973 vette.


only a 73? bahhh they made a crap load of that body style. 69-82

and they’re pigs… “plastic cadillac”

i wouldn’t call 69 with a 454 a pig. name something in mid 70’s that was faster than vette (realistically). all cars along with vettes went down but they still stayed above the rest.

1994 Civic DX.

Oh wait, thats not from the mid 70’s. :embarassd

me and quik was stuck in that focking traffic, it was a lt1 vette

thats a horrible, horrible sight

x2 any vette on fire is just horrible. :sadwavey:



I love seeing fiberglass BURN :blue:

I was hopping it was that white one i see around greenfeild/homestead/hazlewood area, that vert with the spinners and the silver vynal that says corvette, lol, it even has like a bra you have on the front of your car, but on the mirrors.