Who Believes in Aliens?

Of course there is life on other planets, life as intelligent as us, there is a good chance.

Don’t know about visitors from other planets, and who to say what exactly ‘intelligent’ life is, it might not be the same as we think of it.

Life can come in so many different forms, I mean on our planet alone, compare us to dinosaurs, the differences are night and day.

Not to mention the earth in terms of age is very young when compared to other plantes in the solar system. How they know that is beyond me… :shrug:

do i think there is aliens on other planets… yea since there is eleventy billion other planets…

do i think there is aliens here, nah, because they’d prolly be killin :tspry:

There are definietely aliens.

Are they visiting… hell yeah.

My quick 2cents, or perhaps my 7 dollars and 47 cents.

The bible was written by humans, translated by humans, and read by humans.

Sometimes, things don’t translate.

I do believe that what the bible says is true. But I also believe that it leaves some stuff out, perhaps not on purpose or anything, but it definately does.

To think that every answer to every question is answered in one medium sized book would be foolish… interpretation of what the bible says is exactly that, your own interpretation…

I believe God created the universe.

I also believe that there is some other stuff out there. Is it here yet? No.

Why? Because it’s funny how only certain types of people get “abducted”…

It’s just like ghosts - peoples minds are very easy to convince to see things…

But then again, that’s just me…

dude this is simple


i saw this show about aliens once. i was convinced…

i think aliens are possibly real… i dont think they abduct people, and i think 90% of ufo’s are government projects


i wear my tin foil hat to bed. it stops the headaches a little bit. But now i wake up with my ass hurting.

isn’t that a Michael Jackson song :gay2:

deleated because its a double post, somehow i missed that it actualy DID upload …

Not a good comparison. People are more easily swayed to believe in Ghosts. All it takes is a visit to a house, that is known to be “haunted”.

UFO is just that, an Unidentified Flying Object. If I thrown a waffle ball into the air, and you don’t knwo what the hell it is, its a UFO. Is the gov experimenting with aircraft we could never dream of? It sure the hell is. Where did the SR71 come from? Area 51… along with the both Stealth aircraft. Why do you think they retired the Blackbird after only a few years of “active” duty? Because we had already been using it for 20-30 years before the public knew about it. If the public doesn’t know, the enemy will not know (to a degree). Is Area 51 no longer active, and abandonned? No. I know for a fact there is still a lot of activity in that dry lake bed, I have been there. We have pictures and footage of activity. Is it Alien Activity? Probably not… but was it supposed to be going on in Groom Lake Bed? Nope.

Don’t even get me started on the bible. Moses spoke to a “burning bush”… and there was a constant light that followed them day and night, so that they could spread the word. When he retuned from the bush… his face was “burned” and his expression was that of amazement. This was not necessarily a UFO… but back in the day they did not know of aircraft… or other beings… how would you describe a bright light, that of fire, to your deciples, without them leaving? Sure, he heard voices… but they came from somewhere.

Also, before the bible there was cave drawings. Many of which depict humaniod figures in ships that skoot accross the sky. These humaniods didn’t look like the cavemen that were drawing these images, lacking bodyhair, and other obvious human traits… these were no normal terrestrials. Paintings from the mid-evil times also portray people, in flight… long before such a thing was ever imagined. My favorite is a portrait of a lady… in the background a man is walking his dog. The man is pointing to the sky… his dog’s attention was also skyward… there was a “disc” with a man piloting it… but again… this was no average man, it was humanoid, but not human.

I’m not easily swayed from one side to the other, but some shit cannot be explaind by religion (none of it for me anyways) and some shit can’t be explained by science… Aliens don’t necessarily explain it either, but it gives you something to draw in study hall, and made Agent Moulder a star… and Skully didn’t abduct herself ya know

No to wander off topic, but…

If time travel was possible, we’d already know it/have signs of it. How do you know that the “alien” sightings are not Humans evolved another xxxxxx years? They seem to fit the evolutionary charts (taller, bigger eyes, smaller ears, bigger foreheads) Maybe they are just people from the future?


actualy, its time dialation instead of “time travel” to be accurate, its the phenomenon that as the speed of an object increases, time for it slows down, and the closer to the speed of light you get, the greater the effect

example: space travel : if moving at 99.9% of the speed of light, a space mission that takes 8 years round trip acording to us on earth, would only take about 2 months for those on the space ship

so yes … time travel is possible, and we have seens its effects as sattelites have to constantly have their internal clocks reset to proper earth time

the problem is that its not a TWO WAY trip !

it’s not arrogance, it’s called religion. and religion doesn’t support that jesus died on other planets or that god made others. other than that, the theory and probability is sound

when the bible was written the earth was still flat, and North America was India.

And the earth was the center of the universe…

Don’t insult my intelligence Matt. I gave my input…if you don’t like it…tough. The world doesn’t revolve around you. keep your personal beef off the forum…thanks!!

In turn I gave my input back. Since when did I infer that the world revolves around me? Don’t tell me what I can and can’t do on my own forum. Thanks.