Who Believes in Aliens?

Stop fighting over aliens, jeeze. :stuck_out_tongue:

Alot of my family are high ranking military officers.

Alot of my family has been stationed at wright patterson AFB

Alot of people talk about hanger 18, when in fact there are full security details on hanger 17 at all times.

Alot of people dont know about the miles of underground tunnels on Wright/Patt AFB that were used for bomb storage during the end of WWII and Cold War that are still in use, lust not for bombs

Alot of my family does not talk about any of this ever.

The travis walton story is pretty fucking scary as to how real it seems


Anyone interested here go to this website.


While I can agree with your probability about life in the universe …

I don’t agree with the evolving faster as time goes on part… In fact, I believe the evolution curve is logarithmic and flattens out after awhile. Look at the human race, we are actually reversing evolution, we are making our race weaker by keeping weaker humans alive and allowing them to reproduce… This is one reason why asthma is at an all time high. Not only that but we make laws that prevent idiots from hurting themselves… thus… keeping the idiots alive… The idiots also reproduce more idiots faster then people of intelligence, because idiots don’t understand that they cannot support 5 kids with a job at burger king. Am I saying we should kill people that are dumb? yes… Ultimatley evolution is a process where you change to fit your environment, if the environment doesn’t change then neither will evolution… If I have it my way people will be replaced by robots anyways… robots that can think, kinda like metal humans… but way cooler then humans.

In my new world idiots will be executed… as technology progresses, idiocy will be detected at birth and babies can be recycled on spot in the hospital to make car tires, unbreakable plastic peanut butter jars and baby-skin coats. In my new world currency will be replaced by hot dogs, 5 hot dogs will equal roughly a nickel…

Is it just me… or is this totally a chick with a mustache?


yeah that website for travis walton seems pretty friggin real. I believe there are other life forms out there other than us, but i dont know really. Its just one of those things hard to explain.

he kinda looks like chris cornell :gotme:

:word: I don’t think it looks like a women dressed up like a man… :crap:


Where have you been? That theory has never been proven wrong?

Wrong terminology… The Geocentric theory states that the earth was the center of our SOLAR SYSTEM, not universe…That’s what I was getting at.

well let me clarify my evolution statement … the more complex an animal is, the more different dirrections that it can evolve … mother nature has more choices, resulting in a wider aray of that species

a certian evolutionary change in a species then does have to becone a dominant gene across a good section of the specis before it actualy become an evolution of the species …

and as for stupid people … heres what I would do … taken from one of my older suicidegirls.com journal entries

> MAY 26 2005 6:57 AM > > why is it that you need a license to bartend, a license to cut hair, a license to drive, a building permit to add a deck to your house, 10 dollar pieces of software need an activation key, a permit to shoot even a short video in a public place .... > > BUT BUT BUT people are allowed to fuck like rabbits and have 10 kids and noone says a damn word ? > > seriously, everyone should have their tubes tied at birth and everyone should have to pass a parenting course to get untied > > he has to pass ..... she has to pass ... THEN they can have kids together, up to a limit of 4, twins count as one(if you wind up w/ 4 sets of twins, its still only 4 kids under this law, fair enough i think) if you get divorced and remarry a NEW partner, u get to 2 more kids if you wish > > part one of the test can be an IQ test .... 79 points or less and YOU FUCKING FAIL > > part two is a common sense test ... simple things like "if you pour pop from a 2 litre bottle and you crush the sides in as you pour, will the pop go flat if you recap it w/ the sides still crushed in ?????? answer: DUH!!! of course its gonna go flat! > > part three: reading comprehension > > part four: verbal comprehension ... as in OTHER PEOPLES ability to understand your retarded way of talking. if you were born in this country, and your parents were born here, and you dont live in the slums... PLEEEEAAASE be able to talk like the average employed white person ! (no racism intended w/ that) > > fail one section, get a re-do, fail a second time ..... on the spot castration ... your sex organs can go to science so that doctors can study what gene it is that makes you so fucking stupid > > wow .... lol ... i just got way to into that ... [/rant]

lol @ suicide girls.

That’s a great point whoever ranted that. :tup:

Rubicantreadsarcasm - lol… I was kidding.

HotROdKid has a valid point… i hate idiots. Have any of you ever read one of my brother’s posts? They give me headaches.

You were correct no matter how much sarchasm you thew on that, the earth could very well be the center of the universe but again, who can prove that. Where is the center of infinity? How fast is Jack? These questions will be never be known…

This is true…

so technically I can be the center of the universe… nobody can say I’m not. NOBODY!

Aliens are reel

You might be the center of slow-ville, but that’s about it… n00b…

EDIT - I bet you are an alien anyway…

Wow…that was a whole lot of reading at 4am…but my only thought based on what history has shown us is that there is still no feasible way for the pyramids to have been built with human hands based on the available technology at the time. Until someone can demonstrate to me how the egyptians built a gigantic crane capable of lifting slabs of limestone in the air and placing them in such perfect balance and design because I fail to understand how humans…regardless of the # could design, engineer, build them with the available resources.

Aliens - Jury still out

Sasquatch - I have seen him…swear to God…True story

bahh read the mathmatics of the great pyramids