Who Believes in Aliens?

Race tonight… your turbo AWD vs My UFO/VR4

You are not allowed to use the nosss and I will not use time travel.

Where does this math come from for the pyramids? WHY after so many years can researchers/scientists/the entire world not figure out how they were built?

Aliens biotch…


war of the worlds y0!

I’m Alien. Citizen of the planet Earth.

Who wants to go see that movie tomorrow with me?

The aliens are coming, and when they do I’m gonna obtain the largest weapon I can find and blow them all to pieces…friendly or not

I just want to kill aliens

its a problem I have


Interesting read on Aliens and the Bible…


On that note, they have found art in egyptian temples/pyramids that unmistakeably represent men flying into outerspace on rockets…really odd…but then of course it can be said that flying into the heavens has always been a goal of man.


More interesting stuff…


thanks buddy… now I have some quality reading material for work and the shitter

Exodus 13:

21 And the LORD went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night: 22 He took not away the pillar of the cloud by day, nor the pillar of fire by night, [from] before the people

This is that thing I was talking about… the UFO that followed the Jews or whoever.

Acts 1:

9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight. 10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel; 11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.

Jebus got abducted Yo!

Shooting Stars… are just UFOs doing Ricer Fly Bys




would you say that we have hit an evolutionary boundary? we are now evolved to the point that rather than physically adapt we change our environment to suit us. I submit that we continue to evolve tho at a MUCH slower rate since undesirable traits are allowed to live on. in a million years humanity will very likely be gray skinned, very thin, with large heads. there is already a vast number of people beginning to resemble this idea. they sit in an office all day, never get any sun, stare at a computer screen. the older they get the more they appear with large glazed eyes and crooked fingers, with hardly the physical strength to move the keyboard that they type on all day.
Intelligent robots will ultimatly spell the end of life as we know it on earth. all laborer jobs will be replaced freeing the human race to “evolve” into the “aliens”…

or maybe we will get hit by a meteor and allow us all to start over from square 1…

That’s a great point…

Aliens or no aliens, all I care about is 1 thing…

Space pussy.

The first one to find me some space pussy will receive some intercoccygeal massage from yours truly.

As has already been stated, I’d be more suprised to find out that we had NO company.

I just can’t fathom there being eleventy bajillion planets, and life not catching anywhere but here.

ahh… you have touched on a good point… The point being we alter our environment to suit our own lazy asses… which brings me to point B…

Aliens are not aliens at all, but are rather evolved human beings… OR … evolved life, that resembled our own species many many years ago… Maybe they are humans from the future… come back to warn us of where we will go wrong… or maybe they are humans from a different course of the earth… ( Allow me to explain )

We all know that the earth moves, shifts, shakes, and slides… on what we call plates… the center of the earth is molten rock, and all of the land on top of the earth essentially floats on this molten rock… all the land on the earth that we know today, will eventually sink into the molten rock, and be recycled… if any of you have read anything on earth quakes… you would know what Im talking about… One plate slides underneath another, one plate gets sinks into the molten rock underneath the other, causing earthquakes and often times valcanoes.

So it’s my thought the earth has completely recycled itself more then once or twice and it may actually be older then we think… and trace of other civilizations would have been lost to the molten core.

So who’s to say, that aliens are not just evolved humans… back to check up on the home planet they once destroyed with their ignorance for life on earth… just as we are doing right now… they are here to warn us that we tread dangerous waters, and the human race as a whole sucks at life… I think a wise man once said… “History repeats itself.” … This is why we are taught history in school, so we don’t repeat the bad stuff… but, if we don’t know what happened in earth’s last cycle… we are doomed to repeat it…

The aliens are us… don’t you see? it’s so easy

good god…the drama hurts my eyes… there has to be some form of inteligent life in other planets.

What drama?