Who Believes in Aliens?

Speaking of intelligent life…


OMG 2 hours long but very compelling

all I know is that if I were an advanced form of life flying around the universe I would not be impregnating fat readneck hillbillies…I’d abduct jessica simpson or some shit


Isn’t this the dude they made Fire in the Sky after?

And yeah, there are aliens out there. Just waaaaaaaay to big a universe for them not to be. Whether or not they are intelligent enough to build/travel/communicate with our “lowly” life is a story for Jimmy Cameron and Steveo Spielburg to tell in the off hours of making Titanic 2: Oops We Did It Again and Jurassic Park: The Lost Script :smiley:

:edit: and yes there are aliens, haven’t you ever looked under the hood of a Toyota fucking Prius? Even the name is alien for Toaster oven.

I dont know if the guy that said this is mentioned in any of those links, but it was something like

“Intelligent life does exist elsewhere in the universe, but 2 forms of intelligent life will never find eachother because as the technology advances intelligent life will use the technology to destroy themselves before they use it to travel around the universe.”

Its sad to say but I agree with this, based on what you see in the world today. A lot of the cutting edge technology used today was originally created for Military applications. There are some really brilliant minds out there, but there are 10 times as many idiots and unfortunately the people who often hold the power, often fall into the later.

I disagree. Humans often fail to realize that we too are effected by the process of evolution. It’s such a slow process, it’s hard to pay attention too. I work with Autistic children, and we have seen increases in Autism every year for the past 10 years. No one seems to be able to figure out why it’s increasing or how. For those who aren’t familiar Autism is a social disorder. Many autistics are very intelligent, or at least average, but cannot communicate socially with other people. COMPLEX communication is one major component of humanity that seperates us from the animals. If we were to lose it, perhaps we would be De-volving so to speak.

My theory is that because of our technology we have stopped evolution (im living proof, I should have died shortly after birth) and we are causing the de-evolution of our species by producing weak gene pools. To get to the point, I don’t think intelligent will destroy itself in the “blow up” sense but we will destroy ourselves by reversing evolution.

So I guess I do agree with you in a sense.


By I think its important that we send people into space in cryogenic freezin tanks and then have them land 1 million years from now and re-claim the planet of the apes…I dont want no apes runnin my shit

hey ninja, what you said kin dof makes a bit of sense in a way

Interesting point. I know a lot of people who work with autistic kids, yet never really fully understood what autism was. Could the increase in autism be due to the increase of the general population?

Despite that, I do not think you can really reverse evoloution. Evolution simply means adapting to your surroundings. I think technology has become so ingrained in our everyday lives, that if it were ever to be taken away, most of us would be lost and not know how to survive. So I guess I would have to agree with you there. But techonolgy does continue to grow exponentially, and its only going to be a matter of time for something so powerful will be created, to fall into the wrong hands and BANG, we are seriously screwed. Im not saying that life will cease exits, but bad things…

Well enough about the apocolypse… back to aliens and their anal probes. BTW, I do believe there are aliens, I just hope they do not have anal probes.

Oh they have anal probes. We started with penetration of the finger, then phalus… now beads. Soon the probe will be in all our closets



I thought they were gonna be shocked and freaked out, instead they’re giggling lol

Tom DeLong is a douche but I do believe.

I was hoping they’d pursue! And maybe they did but it’s not on camera…

Wonder what the size estimation of the target is