who did uuuuuu get ur frame work from?

Hey guys, just picked up an s13 that needz some work in the frame department… lol anyways my question is… whos got frame work on here an who/what/where is the go to place to get the best job done?
Im in the gta, so shops in the surrounding area would help
Dont be shy to put up some pics too… id love to c the work done


where abouts are you? i have a shop in brampton that does really good work. there has been a few people here who have had frames done, and i think one person is getting one done atm

I live in scarborough, but id be willing to travel if the place does good work. is there a website/number?

Ideally you want them to use one piece to patch it, and shape the metal to fit the frame. When you’re cutting the rotten metal off of your frame, make sure to make nice straight cuts to make this easier.

thanks for the advise… the rot is towards the front where the rail bends up beside the front wheel… i would think that would be the hardest place to do work?
wat about replacement rails?