Who do you think will come out ontop? GM or Ford?

To be fair, GM employees at the Oshawa plant make a very comfortable wage considering how menial the work they do. Nurses don’t even make close to it and are working longer hours, dealing with more important issues.

It costs GM, Ford and Chrysler around $77.75 Canadian PER employee for every hour they work. ( http://www.reportonbusiness.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080418.wrgm18/BNStory/Business/home ) No wonder they can’t stay competitive, because they have the CAW pushing GM, Ford and Chrysler to pay almost the equivalent of $80 an hour with wages, benefits and plant expenses to insert part A into part B. It’s ludicrous for them to expect those wages and not expect lay offs. Hell, the layoffs include amazing severance packages…We’re talking 100k+ early retirement pay outs.

GM, Chrysler and Ford are individual economic entities, they have no responsibility for providing jobs to the Ontario workers. Regardless of the amount of money the Federal and Provincial government provide these companies, in addition to the insane tax deductions, these companies do not have any responsibility to stay here. Those tax breaks and easy money are given to KEEP these companies in Ontario. GM has the right to close down what ever plants they have and ship it all to Mexico. If the Federal government doesn’t want to bail these companies out, alright, GM, Ford and Chrysler head on somewhere were you can stay afloat and at least make your shareholders not kill themselves.

The capitalist in me wants GM, Ford and Chrysler to fail, because well, that’s the essence of a free capitalist market.

You want to know why these people are going to lose their jobs? Blame the CAW…Their union reps are pulling in more than the boys in the cabinet. Getting paid 6 figures, going on extravagant trips and insane bonuses at the expense of the union fees these workers pay. The reason? Because they keep pushing these automakers into a deeper financial hole by constantly requesting more and more money…

A bailout would be ridiculous. Why should I have to suffer from inflationary costs from the government creating more cash because of somebody else wants to keep saving a drowning, crippled horse? Let them move the hell out of here to Mexico and be done with it. Mate, from my eyes, the bailout will hurt us more economically and affect our standard of living more. Our loss in purchasing power will affect those already in the most dire living situations.