Who do you want run before the snow flies?

Lol I’ll be down for a rematch once my surge tank and fuel rail come in. Stock rail can’t feed my 1000’s too efficiently, not that I have a chance hanging with 800+rwhp but fuck it I’ll be down.


Anyone racing yet?

How do you find the time to comment on here?

Shouldn’t you be busy trying to get the tool to turn off the check engine light on that lambo? the one you tried rolling the odometer back on?

This party sucks

I’d like to run someone with my ss. Anyone around 13.5-14.0 would properly be a good race.

Brian is ready to run the wagon whenever…

when i’m done going to test and tune nights in a few weeks lets meet up at tealeaf :tup:

i just dont have the time right now and would rather run the sled while i can on my free night lol

Works for me. Let me know when your ready.

You really wanna see that happen eh? I’m gone to Pittsburgh sat morning for the rest of the weekend.

Just let me know a couple days in advance so I don’t eat as much; weight reduction.

Off the Choda wagon and now on the Brian wagon eh? :lol:

It gets lonely when you have nobody in your sidecar with you…

So JT76… you should bring the ta to Empire sunday… The weather looks good, and there needs to be 4 turbos spooling on the line at some point.

Mine spool about 100’ east of the starting line lol

YUP! :lol:

Internet warriors are no good in my book, just back it up when you decide to show up places I’m at.

So take your PM’s and shove them where the sun don’t shine. :lol:

You gonna sucker punch me like you did with Jeff? Lol try it. I’ll have everything you own and you can add an assault charge to your DUI. Don’t get hard ass with me. Grow up.

Talk shit and expect to get hit, you can take that to the bank when you go cash some more of grandpa/grandma’s checks.

Grow up is called not running your mouth online, I said I’d like to see you two run, I thought it would be good. It’s as simple as that, not running and sending PM’s like a sissy that you are.

I sent a pm to set up the race/ exchange phone numbers. I told him to keep you home because no one that hangs out up there wants to deal with your drama and Pat cant stomach you. You have no car. I’m not your friend. You are a spectator. Relax and watch some races. Mind your own business.

I don’t care if Jesus Christ came down and can’t stomach me. I don’t like you plain and simple and I hope you burn in hell and I mean that in the most sincere way possible.

Anyways, good luck Brian or aka jumping on the wagon.
