Who Do You Want to Race/See Race '08

O god no only 3rd gens with 305s.

i’m pretty sure yours is still in the garage too :slight_smile: i just figured hey, now that i have a slower car, we can actually have a decent race :stuck_out_tongue: haha all in good fun sal!

T25 to T25?:eekdance:

me vs neonglh…winner gets taco dip


ill race anyone.on a track that is

oooooooo…lol. Thank you.

You’re on! I’ll go from a dig, but if you would rather save your rear end, I will gladly go from a roll :pimp:


I got one down already

uh oh… its that time…

as soon as it’s steady 65*+ and salt free roads i should be roaming :slight_smile:

everyone’s sleeping when i get out of work. ah well i’ll wait for weekends.

Cky89 v. JDMjunkie. d16 v.d16

might be getting some issues resolved sooner than later…hopefully

i got winners :wink:


Anything going on this weekend? The weather is supposed to be real nice.

Nothing like starting out the year with a nice race. Anyone game?

you should race jt76…

that’d be a good one

Let dooooo it. Whats the details on that car?

decent cam ls1 with some good bolt ons… mid 400hp… i need to go out and ride shotty