Who drives a Subaru with Plate# SNKYSNKY

Dear Dawn and Newman,

This is a man’s thread. Go attention-whore yourself in some other thread. Thank you.

The Day Crew

but newman is day crew

so he told himself to go away

If I were newman, I’d tell myself to do more than just go away.


uh, can i just say that drdos wanted to get in my pants when i was 16? the ubrf daysss baby. i told him i was a stripper and he was all about it. wanted to come watch me dance. bahahahaha. fucking creep.



oh god

hahaha awesome

dawn rules.

lol wow what a thread


If I were newman, I’d tell myself to do more than just go away.


i imagine that you’d probably also try and defend some shitty fat girl in hopes of getting in her pants!

bhahahaha he’s iming me now saying “way to make things up” that that he wouldn’t touch me with a 10 foot pole. bahahahaha.

lol i must say this thread is gold.


day crew bring the drama.


:word: Looks like the 8-5 crew is :gay:

Like no one ever cut you off on the road before? Unless your car got smashed, then scream FUCK at the top of your lungs in your car for a few seconds, give them the finger if you get a chance and then LET IT SLIDE. Jesus. :meh:

Save all the anger and posturing for something more important. :roll:

Night crew rules :tspry: