who else is in vegas?

all depends on how good of a time you are looking for

josh, ken is on his way… he should be almost there :slight_smile:

edit: i seen desmonds evo the one summer i went there… too bad i couldnt find him though

ah, this is why no returned texted …

listen up buddy boy… you are taking me one of these times :wink: aiite?! then it’s a deal

I’m still trying to figure out who the other NYSpeeders are that are here this weekend. Me, Lafengas, Bladez…? Happy Hour tomorrow night? Going out tomorrow night?

I just got back last weekend…

I got some good pix I need to get uploaded… Little Jon, Danny Kass and Dingo content…:pimp:

a ton of buffalonians were there last week for the snow demo. i believe jason went too

edit: wrd. I just got back from on snow, my friends were telling me some pretty wild stories (none of which I remember, thanks to the roxy party, the redbull party, and the Hayes brothers. all 3 parties, all free drinks. it was tough making it to the mountain by 10 this morning)

I think I’m gonna try and go to vegas next year (should be able to do it, maybe i’ll roll with the city garage guys). supposed to be the last year of vegas eh?

Not gonna make it to vegas but you should try to make the trip here to Phoenix

Jason???I’m talking about SIA in Las Vegas.
All I know I ended up backstage at the Spyder 30 anniversary party…
I need to take a piss, ask the waitress backstage where the pisser is and next thing I know I pissing in Little Jon’s dressing room and hanging out with the whole crew after my satisfying piss…:roll2:

This was my last year for SIA. I’m not going back for the finale show next year before it moves to Denver… Finale semester next year so that owns me. Time for a real job…


yeah, but a whole lot of fun.

hah. mostly me and biz partner are just chillen in them 10 hrs a day working.

yah me too, he sent a pic but i dont know how to get them off my phone

email them to yourself…

OMG…i didn’t even know i made this thread.

I was obviously obliterated at the time and lost my phone somwhere as a result. I need sleep.

I am still in buffalo, however the above post applies to me too!

soooo josh, ken was ripped last night eh? u should of seen his txts to everyone :rofl:

fuck i was set to go nextweek



going to Vegas September 10th-14th…anybody else by any chance?

I’m there Aug 27th - 30th

I’ll go in october-november when it chills out. After putting in a week at 115-120 last month, fuck that.

Joe it’s only 110 here now so stop your crying! I’ll be here til Christmas. No trips planned so as long as people give me some notice cough Joe cough or don’t lose their cell phone cough Lafengas cough I’ll meet up.