Who else would drive a baby blue neon with a jaws hood for a week for this car..

I know I would



ok i dont like it., :gotme:

I would beat up a midget for one.

i might kick her in the stomach, but i probably wouldnt kill her for it

I like it and pregnant women annoy me with all their constant cravings… so, okay I would.

If the pregnant woman was one of the people that designed this hideous scrap of materials that they call an automobile then yes, I would kill a pregnant woman.


its one of my dream cars
so yes

:lol: at you hatch loving people


Um, the Clio Sport V6 is mid engine RWD. How could it not be fun to drive?

Its ugly as fuck…

I would not hesitate for a second.


Um, the Clio Sport V6 is mid engine RWD. How could it not be fun to drive?


By why did they have to wrap it in such and ugly shell?


By why did they have to wrap it in such and ugly shell?


It’s not ugly. It’s classic. See: Renault R5 Turbo :headbang:


By why did they have to wrap it in such and ugly shell?


Keep in mind it’s Europe too. Compact cars prevail there.

i’d rape and spit then kill a pregnant woman in front of my own mother to get ahold of that.


Keep in mind it’s Europe too. Compact cars prevail there.


Yeah, but my old Fiero GT was compact. So is your MR2. Take those designs, modernize them, and add that drivetrain and then we’d be getting somewhere. Think Elise/Exige, maybe slightly larger, with that drivetrain.

yes. but all the cars listed above have nearly NO storage space. The renault looks like it’s got tons.

^ europeans love hatches for their practicality