Who has started holiday decorations?

we just do the tree out front and single candle lights in the front windows. then inside we do the handrail up the stairs with garland and the mantle, as well as a tree with basic dressings.

NICE lol

Trees up and decorated.
fire place mantle is all set
around the house odds and ends are done
outside just got somewhat done.

And if you wanna see decorations.

off 155 near the lot (on the side with that honda atv plave and Dunkin donuts. take your first left onto consul and go about 1 mile til you see AppleBlossem rd on your left and right. take a left.

THE most decorated/ neighborhood rivalry ive seen around here.
Christmas eve is the best day to go. street is PACKED with onlookers

theres a house on johnston rd near western thats COVERED in lights…idk if they are up yet though…

Yeah, that road is nuts and seems like they add more every year

PLUS FUKEN ONE. I live about 5 houses up on the right i drove past the street its like the fucking sun is shining as you drive past.

Me, Lacey & Sean decorated the apt all up last week! Its beautiful!

Now this week we r going to surprise Ryan (Seans bro) and do his house while hes at work. LMAO

:rofl :rofl

We put up a tree and my wife setup nice light up villages and what not on the knee walls in the dinning room/living room. The cat already yanked down and started to eat the while pillow stuffing she used for snow, so i have fluffy pillow shit hidden around the house. LOL

My brother wanted to get me a black santa and put it out front too! lol Lights and shit might go up if I feel like going out and doing it.

PJB, do you still have that Santa Sleigh kicking around?

No, I sawzalled it into a million pieces

Friday night we’re going to set up our tree and decorations. Paul’s out of town until Thursday night so according to my 7 year old “it would be rude and in-necessury” LOL to do it without Daddy… blah… I hate waiting…

A tree fell on my friends’ car and totalled it.

I went over earlier with our xmas lights for the trees out in front of my place to decorate said tree using the power inverter in my car and then calling her to come outside and view my piece of artwork, but when I got there the damn insurance company already had the tree removed.


prescott woods in guilderland went HARD this year. the lias probably have 30+ light up statue things on their lawn, one of them is like a santa claus light show christmas tree setup paired to music, its SICK :lmao

mine are siiickkkk

My gf’s sisters 'hood. Shit srsly gets crazy…Everyone that lives in there DESPISES the handful of houses that don’t decorate lol

Saw that - they had an army of people there setting shit up the other day

lights and tree are up been up since last weds…

put up some nothng to fancy been up for a week or so and now its starting to snow:banghead