Anyone put up Xmas lights at their house?

I just finished putting some up. I need a few more, but here is the crappy cell phone image.


Figured you were the type to leave them up all year…

I usually just put a single white fake candle in each window. Looks nice and it’s way easier than going balls out. Never got around to it last year. Maybe this weekend.

i have 6 shrubs i wrap in bush nets, 3 on each side of my front door, and two ornamental pines on each side i wrap in a strand of lights that do that twinkle shit. put a candle in each of the 2 pair of double hung windows on the front of the house. wreath wrapped in lights and a candle in the center. it’s reasonably classy… nothing too Griswald Xmas. i’ll snag a pic once i get motivated to go outside

only took about an hour, I went all out and got a timer this year.

went a little more crazy this year… need to get a longer ladder though to get the roofline.

if i get un-lazy at some point ill snap a pic, but its unlikely.

I never bother.

I did

I’ll take a pic at some point hopefully

I put these up last weekend. Using a timer rocks.

Ran out of lights and ambition to climb shit. Good enough for now :slight_smile: You can’t tell but the top lights are blinky and the bottom ones solid.

Those icicle lights are in a pricker bush, that was fun hahaha.

I did some over the weekend. Nothing nuts I was too lazy to even get on a ladder and just did what I could from the top porch. Will post a pic once finished I guess.

I can’t wait to own a house… I’m gonna be absolutely obnoxious with it

Looks great guys, keep up the pics!


we are grumpy assholes

LED Lights on two trees in the front yard, above the front door and then two light up topiaries. Multi-colored lights in the backyard.

Just did all my interior lights now, it’s too fucking cold to be doing them outside

picture blows but it was cold and i didn’t want to spend much time setting up the tripod :stuck_out_tongue:

ugh when i get home this weekend ill post pics of our house.i cant find them on my laptop

There is a house on Colvin in Tonawanda that has like 6 led trees in their front yard. Shit is wild. They had a gingerbread house last year.

i live around the corner that house is no joke. lol

aderess. me and the gf like driving around looking at all the houses