Who knows how to use WordPerfect?

So i’ve been used to using micro Word for years now, get this Dell, and it comes with WordPerfect, which i hate…

i can not cut and paste ANYTHING that i e-mail myself from school…when i try to, it only puts the text on wordperfect halfway across the page…i have to go the end of each line, hit delete, then space to fill the line…and continue to do this ALL the way down…

next, there is no option to double space the lines…and this sucks just as much, because all my homework is to be double spaced…i searched on the help topics for spacing, line spacing, double spacing, etc…and found “line spacing” and it told me to click format, then line, then spacing…but the problem is in the fact that after clicking “format”…THERE IS NO “LINE” OPTION! it doesnt exist…the help topics section just sends me on wild goose hunts, and it sucks…i have to go through and hit enter at the beginning of every line, and God forbid i ever have to go back and edit anything, because then that throws off ALL of the line spacing, and i have to re-adjust it all over again…

does anybody know how to use WordPerfect? or does anybody have a copy of a disc with the regular micro Word, or micro Office program on it? i can not go on using this horrible program…i hate it…it’s driving me insane…

There’s an option to double space. rest assured. Did you try googling a tutorial?

Even microsoft word puts line spacing under “paragraph.”

Just uninstall that bitch. Word is damn good. Or download Open office. It free and still pretty good. Works with all Word docs and more.

Download Open Office…@ openoffice.org, i think…its way better than WP, and better than Microsoft Word IMO

edit: open office is free