who makes the ballerest of GT wings?

i’m looking for a gt spoiler for my s14 kouki. something with wide mounts. and narrow weaksauce looking mounts. check the red s14 at the beginning of teh movie = http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B5UX7-NBA70

apr gt500 wing is pretty dope, expencive tho

wings are gay.
too riced out for me.

no wings are gangster.

yo paul call me, my friends got a sick voltex wing for sale

i want sick voltex wing




Kognition… getting one made right now.

Otherwise if you can get a cheap price on a gtc-300 you’re a winner. The gtc-500 is for 180mph~ etc… the gtc-300 should generate more downforce at lower speeds… either way both generate quite a bit and are proven wings. Check APR for their CFD data for an estimate idea of what you’re getting theoretically.

Could consider a dual element aluminum one on the cheap as well. Wider, higher, chassis mounted, better. Will definetely want front splitter to balance it out.

I had a gtc-200… noticable slight gain, but thats about it, better than stock trunk mounted wings lol…

Voltex wings are not bad but, descent wings that they have that have been proven but you’re paying JDM and brand name at the end of the day… think about it. Even the APR wing basically its great but you’re gona pay some brand name factor tax to it… there are a few lesser publicly known brands that do just as well… just google :stuck_out_tongue:


good thing he didn’t ask if wings where rice or not huh?

1600MM Voltex GT :drool:

Voltex for me too !!!