Who makes the F*ckin car payments?

hypothetical situation: bitch stabs you in the arm with a pencil, you are just going to stand there and be like “Oh, lets talk about it” …because she is a woman?


+1… I think the “bitch who makes the fucking car payments” was embarrassing enough the backhand was over the top




hypothetical situation: bitch stabs you in the arm with a pencil, you are just going to stand there and be like “Oh, lets talk about it” …because she is a woman?


Heck no…thats when you laugh at her for trying to be menacing and walk outside and light the house on fire

Shiiiit no. I stab a bitch in the eye in that case.

However, I wouldn’t just backhand a bitch in the face.

Buuuttttttttttt the story is comical. She likely sticks around for it all too.

Sweet. A husband with a severe anger problem abusing his wife in public. How funny. :picard:

+1 for ask him to leave and her if she’d like the cops called.


Heck no…thats when you laugh at her for trying to be menacing and walk outside and light the house on fire


you set your OWN house on fire? Good plan


:rofl: BUT i would returned the favor and bitchslapped the dude.

i probably would have tackled the guy and called the cops… and no im 100% serious about that

and defending yourself against an attackign woman is one thing… but i would shove her around rather then hit her…

ill never hit a woman… but u better believe im not above shaking the shit out of her haha


hypothetical situation: bitch stabs you in the arm with a pencil, you are just going to stand there and be like “Oh, lets talk about it” …because she is a woman?


Funny that you bring this up…I was DT at some bar with three friends…my friend was drunk and we were leaving. Some girl said" if you leave, i am going to call teh cops and have you arrested" to my friend. I said I was the one driving my friend home and walked away, she said “i dont give a fuck”, I replied, go fuck off bitch and she slapped me accross the face. The vein in my neck was about to burst…i told her not to touch me, she went to slap me again…I cought her hand and threw her against the bar, she came back at me…I threw her against the bouncer and he tossed her ass in the street. LOL…I still refuse to hit a girl especially accross the face. Must have been PMS time.


you set your OWN house on fire? Good plan




That is fucking trashy as hell. I’ve knocked people out for that shit.

If it was just the comment that is one thing. Other than that I wouldn’t condone it.


you set your OWN house on fire? Good plan



You better believe I would…gotta know how to prove a point to these women that dont ackright!

As quoted by chris rock

id never hit a woman… but id shake the shit outa one!!!

Ohhhh, everyone’s getting all serious now.

It is absolutely unacceptable what the guy did. And distrubing he did it in front of someone else, (unless sedlmeir looks like a wife-beater, jk) And guys who beat women are absolutely retarded.

But as an internet story, it is funny.

I don’t think hitting a woman is right in any case…


She is the one that sticks around and allows it to happen!
As my grandmother would say “God helps them, who help themselves”!



I don’t think hitting a woman is right in any case…


She is the one that sticks around and allows it to happen!
As my grandmother would say “God helps them, who help themselves”!



I was just gonna post pretty much the same thing. The fact that she sat there and took is is almost as bad as they guy slapping her to begin with. Not that i condone that type of act but… Bitch had it comin… not really…


I don’t think hitting a woman is right in any case…


She is the one that sticks around and allows it to happen!
As my grandmother would say “God helps them, who help themselves”!



AHHH yes but who makes your payments :gotme:



AHHH yes but who makes your payments :gotme:


You make my payments…BIG MAN!! :wink: :wink:



AHHH yes but who makes your payments :gotme:
