Who owns a Dark blue VW Jetta?

I was behind them today coming home from work. Its dark blue with tinted windows and a red pittspeed sticker on the back window. i was waiting for them to jump on it and take off but they never did. that might of been the slowest i ever had to go on my way home from work lol


thats kilmer on here


where at … on 51?

no on 48


i heard his blow off valve like once and thought he was gonna get on it but i had to slam on the brakes cuz he wasnt moving lol. the road we went down i have seen 100mph plus on it before and i think we saw like maybe 60 on it today

Should have passed me if you were in that much of a hurry :crying:
You are also forgetting the cars that were in front of us :rolleyes:

lol there wasnt any in front of us for a little while on simpson howell i just drive like an asshole on that road cuz i travel it everyday for work ur car looked good tho

yeah, we had some open road, the speed limit there is like 35 anyway, I got caught by a cop once in yough for speeding going on 136, so I don’t try and set world records on backroads anymore…oh, my pup was in the back sleeping, which doesn’ t happen often! thanks, your car looked clean, not all riced out like a lot of wrx’s from the s-hills area :naughty:

ya i saw the dog pop its head out every now and then i kinda figured that was the main reason for doing the speed limit. im just use to flying down that road that i usually pass people on it lol

that blue jetta is a turd. :slight_smile:

i would have tossed snoop dog out the window…

isn’t the speed limit 35 on that road? I don’t think we were close to the speed limit, plus I was told cops sit on that road…

snoop dog stays :slight_smile: and so does the blue turd…where were you @ on Sunday Sailor?

with me:tounge:

They sit back on Jeffrey Drive (the road to the right after you go past Fallen Timber Rd).

WRX: please keep passing people, someone has to fill the quota. :smiley:

lol ya they sit on jeffery drive but if u blow by them fast enough they wont catch u lol not that i have done that or anything b4 im sure the elizabeth township cops hate me and know my car by now

were you watching this while driving too :wink:


LOL yep

Gee i wonder y?:gaysex: