On my way home from work, I pass what looked to be like a newer black vw/audi something (I’m pretty sure it was a jetta). Think nothing of it, do my usual downshift into 4th to take the fun turn from the XXX to the XX, and homeboy kind of stays on my tail. I slowed down because some guy throws his blinker on as he’s merging into my lane/my car, then change lanes to get over to the left lane behind the vw. Follow him for a little bit, and get an opening to get up next to him…as I’m creeping to his mirror, he floors it, cuts me off from the left lane goes to the far right lane and gets off the XX…he must have been scared of my mad awd topend? I dont ever get to race anyone anybody on here? dont be skurred im slow.
Well my Jetta’s red so it wasn’t me, although I did pull a bit of an ass-hat maneuver myself today. Went whipping up an onramp onto highway XXX because it’s got 3 curves before you hit the main highway so it’s fun to toss the car back and forth. Of course I hit the 3rd curve thinking I had a bit more traction than I did and ended up understeering/plowing slightly into the next lane over before I intended to. No harm no foul, but since I actually clipped the area of rough blacktop before the 2 lanes actually merged side-by-side I sure did feel like a tool afterwards.
Anyhow if I ever come across you I’ll run you for fun, but I wouldn’t expect my car to keep up with a rex. I like to think of my car as a really quick slow car.