Who plans to go to their high school reuion ? version 2.0


Wow, is that a true story?


100% and I left out the part where one dood had blue cheese in his hair all night.

i might go to mine if im not busy and airfare is cheap enough

i went to my 10 year, it was at a bar on a friday night. I just hung out with the same people I see regularly. They had something going on the next day at a VFW or something, sounded lame so i didnt go to that.

EA always has their big “reunion weekend” with the beer tent.

I have never been, and not sure if I will be breaking that trend this summer.

Meh… Don’t really care about seeing anybody except to see which girls got/stayed hot. Then bang them.


could you imagine 6000 of those annoying gotti fucks at once? :bloated: lol





Meh… Don’t really care about seeing anybody except to see which guys got/stayed hot. Then bang them.


i think that will be my only motivation. maybe to go and laugh at people that were oh so sweet in highschool, but at teh same who cares? go to have fun or don’t go meh. i’ll go if i’m not fat and haggard…but i have another 8 years lol.

I want to go badly already…I’d love to see how people turned out. It interesting. I hope by that time I have a dope car to pull up in. Something way better then the vette…maybe a chopper would be cool. Have them land it in the parking lot get out, brush off the suit and stroll in with a fake/real bottle of Johnnie Walker’s 200th birthday blend Scotch. (cost=$28,000.00) Then once its gone just leave. oh and to bang the fat beat chicks


I want to go badly already…I’d love to see how people turned out. It interesting. I hope by that time I have a dope car to pull up in. Something way better then the vette…maybe a chopper would be cool. Have them land it in the parking lot get out, brush off the suit and stroll in with a fake/real bottle of Johnnie Walker’s 200th birthday blend Scotch. (cost=$28,000.00) Then once its gone just leave. oh and to bang the fat beat chicks


You can’t be serious with this. Half of our class will be to doped up to attend or will be working a McJob that night and can’t get off because they made it all the way to shift supervisor.

But on the other hand. When you myself and frost12580 walk in and sit down, everyone is going to say “oh shit, those 3 are going to do something stupid.”