Me + Electronics = BAD

I second that!! It’s a week later and I’m still seething over the HOURS I spent trying to get the stupid thing to work.

There’s like 6 USB ports on the computer, all of them had one of two or three problems depending on what buttons I pushed on the stupid thing before I plugged it in.

If I can’t figure it out there are only two options, I bring it back to the Apple store, and they give me a new unfucked one… or I smash it into little tiny ITTTY BITTTTY pieces.

I didn’t buy the thing, it was given as a gift for Christmas. I’ve honestly been through about a dozen iPod’s/MP3 players since they’ve come out. I stopped buying them. I either lose or break them.

There’s not much about this thing I don’t hate right now. I had trouble using it right from the jump cuz my nails were to long, now the stupid fucking thing doesn’t work at all. It’s a paper weight. UGH!

The computer isn’t to old, I tried every effing USB port ON the computer and none worked, tried two different computers and neither worked.

And no, returning it for something half price isn’t really an option… unfortunately.