Transfer from ipod to computer?

I found my old iPod from like 6 years ago the other day, it’s an old 30gb model, but since I’ve used it last I got a new computer. Anyway, I want to put all of my songs onto my new computer, but when I try to load them on it says my songs are in a different iTunes library, yeah, I know. So I googled how to do this and it says something about opening my computer and opening the iPod through there and accessing folders and whatnot, however when I go to my computer, I don’t see my iPod as a drive to access. So I have no idea what to do. I like Apple, but shit like this makes me insane. Anyone know how to do this?

---------- Post added at 01:25 AM ---------- Previous post was at 01:15 AM ----------

Nevermind, figured it out

I actually ran into this same issue the other day. Can you post what you had to do? I didn’t mess around long enough to figure it out.

I haven’t had to do it in years, but this program always worked for me.

Just go on YouTube there’s a ton of videos. Basically you have to make all the mp3 files on your iPod unhidden and then it’s pretty simple from there. I have three USB ports on my pc though and for some reason I had to keep changing ports for my iPod to actually show up which was the most confusing part.

sharepod x2 :tup:

I use a program called iPod access