ok…heres the deal: i put an additional 40 gig hard drive in my computer becasue i wanted a hard drive dedicated jsut to my music (for various reasons). SO, i got everything up and running with that, and then went to move my iTunes library over to the new ahrd drive, which worked (kinda). somehow, my files got messed up and all of my songs were skippong really abd and acting wierd. so long story short, i ended up having to wipe out iTunes and start fresh. I have around 3000 songs and change to re-boot (some of which i dont even have the CDs for) and this is gonna take a long time and be a pain in the ass.
so now that u have heard my sob story, heres my question: i have heard of programs that you can download onto your computer that will allow you to take whatever is on your iPod and copy it to your computer. if i could do this, it would make things a lot easier. if anyone knows of such programs, please let me kno
I used a app called PodUtil there are tons and tons of programs that do the same thing.
I used Ipod2PC
I have the reg code if you want :snky:
iPod agent. Not around anymore though, but I have it installed.
Sharepod! It works pretty darn good for me. :tup::tup:
winamp plus the ipod plugin is my favorite. i used ephod, sharepod, and ipod agent but if you use winamp it makes it so easy.
never knew about that one… I’ll have to check it out.
Its really nice. And i always use winamp, no need for itunes anymore.
EDIT_I’ve been already asked so… If you want songs off your iPod and on the computer. Select all the tracks, right click, save and wait.