Gendy, your fucking nuts !!
lol, not getting any better in my old age :ohnoes
Hey Gendy, another 954 on the forum Assuming you still got it?
oh gawd, now ur gonna talk bikes with him :squint
Fuuuck that… I rode when it was in the 30’s and high 20’s back in October/November, only rode for about 20mins and it got to be fucking frigid. I can’t even imagine now with all the rock salt and snow out on the roads…
Yes sir, If i can get my Max out of its home and down the driveway without falling over, i ride. The bad part is my water pipes freeze up outside and i have to put it away covered in road spray. Im afraid the next time i go out there my front head pipes are going to be rotted away…
yea still got it mike, we gotta get them together this year
saw a gsxr on the northway around 6. then again on my way home from nicks at 330am, a harley passed me on rt 9 in lathem. its like 10 degrees out. WTF PEOPLE
Saw a guy two days ago on an older cruiser with a side cart.
My hero :bow
saw this guy riding in the big snow storm before new years…im heading to get gas and abnout to put it in 4x4 and look over and WTF:eek::eek::eek: that guy is crazy no matter the weather hes riding
i cant even make it from the door on my house to the door on my car without fuckin freezing my eyeballs, how the hell these guys are fuckin riding in this weather is unreal !
i took out the busa this morning. lows were -10 without windchill. i rode in a tshirt and shorts, with sandles.
were u on the thruway headed south around 745?? crazy man…