Who says common sense isn't?

Well, this kid provides evidence:

Kid posts his cell number on youtube, offering to talk to anyone. Doesn’t have free minutes, nor job. Won’t “just hang up on people.”

At least his heart’s in the right place. :gotme: Too bad his brain isn’t.


that moron was in the news this morning.

His wallet better be the size of his heart and brain combined.

lol T-Mobile cut off his free night and weekend minutes. hahahaha What a shitty carrier.

fucking faggot. there are people who go to college for 7 years and have all sorts of pretty diplomas in their offices that talk to people who need help.


His wallet better be the size of his heart and brain combined.

lol T-Mobile cut off his free night and weekend minutes. hahahaha What a shitty carrier.


:bloated: because the weekend was over.

lols what a tard.