Who should the tax payers bail out next?

After the precious banks of course.

people who don’t understand property taxes.



credit card companies :lolham:


As always, I have to respond to personal attacks.:smash2:

This will be next.

The credit card companies did the same thing as the mortgagers, bundling consumer debt into larger securities. Pretty soon more people may begin to think they cant be bothered to make their $15-$20 minimum payment and begin to default. The we will have a whole new “crisis” to deal with. Won’t be as big as the housing mess, but if it happens it will add insult to injury.

I’m sorry you consider it a personal attack mike. I think much more of you then you think, i think. think about that thought.


How about all the students who are thousands in debt because they got themselves an education thinking that they could land a job but end up landing in a shithole economy instead?


True story. It’s shameful how students are taken advantage of by the educational institutions in this country as well as the financing firms.

With the options given automanufacturers mainly the financing portion of things.


I assumed you were mocking me because I got screwed on my property taxes. No?

Well the poll was kind of a joke(I was trying to make a point) but, what other option would you choose?
Just curious.


its fucking gay. who in their right mind gets interest only mortgages? or buys a house they know they cant afford?

ny isnt in too bad of shape, aside from being strangled with sales tax among other things… its those faggots in cali and florida

my dad has flipped every house he has ever lived in… it took him an average of 6 years per house i’d say… you really cant do that shit overnight.

this shit pisses me off


Your thread was a joke and his response was a joke.

It is kind of funny that a guy who has posted in pretty much every ny government and tax thread would post acting all indignant about his high taxes. It’s like the people that move on next to the airport and cry about the noise. You knew damn well ny was going to screw you on taxes before you even broke ground.

:picard:Credit card debt is nothing like mortgages, the same thing will not happen.

The “us vs them” mentality get tiring after a while.

I am in favor of whatever offers the best combination of short and long term benefits.

I don’t know nearly enough about economics to even pretend to know what the best thing to do is, so I guess that makes me too stupid to vote for anything but bacon.

God I wish I had some bacon right now.

dude you didnt get your fill at breakfast last night?

Oh, and I am actually eating bacon right now.