Who wants to go to Japan?


how many white guys banged her.

thats a joke right?

“i like you, you like me?”

“Last night, I…I had a sex”

wow thats sad.

Seems real actually, the rest of the site is a regular homepage. She’s kinda cute too, not incredibly ugly haha. I’m quite suprised that there’s a girl out there that would do something like this. Then again, it’d be perfectly normal for a guy to do the same so maybe we shouldn’t judge.

i wonder if we can get a GB going on that lol…

Well i gess i should message her befor i go to japan next year for 2 weeks.

I’m down… lets start a list

  1. APA0ll0
  2. Solarian
  3. Luis


it’s fake.
been confirmed.

You sent a picture and she rejected you? Maybe it’s b/c you’re not white :stuck_out_tongue:
Reading > You.

lol how can you say this has been confirmed without backing it up?

Interested? You fit the profile.

Well, if you want to see more just go here http://www.keikos-homepage.jp/images
There’s some nice nearly nude pics, and she even shows some tit in one.

Nga please.


But she still likes white guys, it seems.

some people have too much time on their hands. someone kindly informed me about this article on dontlinkthis.com where this “horny japanese girl with a thing for white guys” is actually using my pictures. and everyone likes to use my OLD photos, i dunno why. i think i look decent now too! booo… i wrote in the comments section in there but people tend to always think that i’m impersonating myself or something. i dunno. p.s. - i don’t really care about the chinese/japanese difference because i can’t even tell the two races apart like half the time.

Posted by Jenni Cheung at 10:26 PM | Permalink

So who’s titty do I have pictures of? Jenny Chung, or Keiko?

All you f****** don’t get laid enough if any, get a life and stop drooling over girls on the net damn it. :lol: …bunch of horndogs.