
Basically, the younger sister snitches on brother for having beer in his room. The brother gets grounded and goes and finds this list in sister’s room, proceeds to post on facebook and tags everyone involved. Comments are posted, hilarity ensues.

I bet #7 cut his hair REAL quick after he read this.


Amazing… simply epic!

Oh man this made my night

Closet slut haha

awesome find!

Bahhh-hahaha epppiccc!!!

LOL…that is epic omg

That is sweet revenge

This guy has won.


i know eh


I almost died…ROFL

LOL im crying because im laughing so fucking hard!!.. esspecially the part when he said " what are you gonna do? tell mom and dad that I uploaded your dick sucking list to facebook! go ahead."

EPIC to the max!!.. and a WHOMP WHOMP!!

sounds like my kind of girl :smiley:

LAWL. Kinda funny how my interest in this went from “meh” to “ooh” when I found out about her being asian.
Is anyone aware of any pills or inoculations one can take to rid oneself of yellow fever?

oh fuck. Epic.

yep, Take 2 hot asian girls and call me in the morning.

hahahahahahaha hilarious

haha the last two comments are amazing

Chrs “fuzzylastname” - I <3 facebook like you <3 cock.

The thing about being in Korea, is the second part is harder than the first lol.
Now I’m just looking forward to my Japan trip so I can finally add Japanese to my list. It’s kinda bad, but I’ve started to think of women as Pokemon, just trying to collect all the different types.