Who/When - Cars coming out of Storage

It’s around that time of year again. We all hate to put the cars away for winter for those that do it and when this time of year comes again, its like Christmas all over again.

Who has pulled their car/bikes/trucks out of storage so far?

Who has not and when do you plan to do so?

I’m wanting to get my car out of storage so badly now, but I just don’t want to jump the gun with salt still lingering around. We put them away for the reason of keeping this off the cars, so for those really anal about salt and bringing cars out of storage, when do you usually do it?

Bike’s out, Car’s out, Jet ski will be out as soon as we get a day over 70*

I remember when my family picked up the jetski we owned. I hopped on that sucker in shorts and a hoody with 50 degrees. Topped out at 70mph and wiped out at 60, got back on and did 70mph. hahaha I’ll never forget that day. 60s are fine with me and a wetsuit.

Storage is for sissies. You have an S2000, drive it all year.

My “summer wheels” have been on for 3-4 weeks now.

Summer wheels going on this weekend. Might try and get the boat out of storage and back in my garage Sunday if I’m not too hung over from the Buffalo Wine Festival. Chance of boat moving, about 10%.

I drive my TL all year round. Swap my Blizzaks off, detail it and drive it all summer. I would love to have a 2nd car to play with though.

Went out to the barbill and to fill up on some good ol’ corn juice at my local mobile…

Been out for a bit now…

Waiting on replacement parts so I can finish the coilovers. Then it’s on the road.

Just need to wash/wax it up all nice and enjoy it until I decide to install the rollbar.

Been out for 2 weeks almost. Ever since I finished the chassis swap anyway

Ok, well with all this said… making my calls to see what I can do to get it on the road. lol

Thinking about tonight since the forecast changed for the weekend in the D.

Droppin tranny this weekend. Hopin for a week or two, weather permitting.

i was driving the pcar like 3 weeks ago and just took the panhead out last week

I had mine out 03/25.

If you are anal then wait until May 1st. That is usually the “date” that is best.

Probably next week even though it looks like it’s going to rain about every day right now.

i hope to bring it out this weekend

Bike is out, wheels go on the car tomorrow.

Is that a Ferrari?

Today hopefully.