Whos Car is this?

The other night I was in my local neighbourhood in St. Albert, and saw this awesome Nissan. It had the NECC decal on the window, and thats how I first found out about the club. It was a turquoise like color, with 7 spoke wheels, an aggressive front airdam, and an aluminum wing. It had white signal lights, Eurolite and Injen decals, and an Enkei decal on the front window. I was wondering whose it is, and whether its a real Silvia, or just a 240?

This one?

THat should be the one you’re talking about. His name is Ryan. He doesn’t frequent the boards, but comes to the events once and a while. Good guy.

It’s a regular 240sx ('95 i beleive), and has a blacktop s13 motor in it (I think).

Welcome to the boards, and I’m glad the stickers are working somewhat lol.



Actually its a S14 black top (It has the VTC thing)

Ya thats it. I took some pictures of it with my digital camera, but couldnt get them onto the forum. His car is a really nice looking car, as Im sure are a lot of the cars in this club.

Both my friend and I (dnl61), are both 15, but avid Nissan fans. My friend got into them through his dad, who used to have some or other Datsun with a small block Chevy I believe, and now has another Datsun. I myself personally got intrested in them though my moms freinds son, who drives a 300ZX TT. Next year, the two of us would like to own our own 240’s.

thats a sweet car does anyone know what numbers its pushing and if he has done many mods to the engine?

All the results from NECC’s Dyno Day can be found here—>(~~~~~~~~~)
I think Ryan’s 240 ran a 205hp…Where abouts in St. Albert do you guys live?

PS: Topic should be moved… :wink:

Im in Woodlands and he lives in Pineview. How about you?

Oakmont…We have a large amount of people on here from St. Albert, unlike the park lossers…(Jamie :stuck_out_tongue: ), If I were you guys I wouldn’t buy a 240, b/c by the time you guys are old enough to drive, there will be some sweet JDM cars for sale over here for cheap…Like the Beautiful sr powered Silvia…only 14 more months ppl!!

And in 14 months when this Silvia is available, how much do you think it will be?

Hey I am a park loser too!

Hey I am a park loser too![/quote]

HAHA, ya ok so that makes 2 of you…

The prices should be around 6 to 10 g’s depending on km’s and condition and aftermarket parts, so start puttin those pennies away boys

hey mike lets go to escape tonight so u can get beat up again…hahahha

but i like the car but to much rice with the decals and spoiler.
love the engine just needs to be tuned.

also go with mike is saying get the sylvia with the sr. its hot and lots of aftermarket parts around.


alot of tuning needed …but the car looks great