whos going to duffs?

omg hahaha

you guys are brutal

ohhhh man newman, u crack me up


I’d put my T-handle hurst shifter in her…





WOW! lmao!


That ginger is gross. WTF is wrong with her knee in that first pic??!!!

pushes ginger into creek. Takes pic for myspace then.

I just about pissed my pants reading the last two pages…:bigclap:


you are fucking ugly, shut your whore fucking mouth before you get slapped.

Hey now, while she may not be an angel, atleast she’s trying…how many of your g/f’s are into cars and drive something as nice as a Z28? And I agree with the Z’s in saying that tiger mustang is a peice of crap, the kid may be young but thats no excuse. I was his age once, but I had the intellegence to visit a forum, do some research. Did anyone even see the wiring on that peice of crap, come-on…In my opinion we are divided into two groups, racers and ricers. Racers care about performance first, looks second[and have have some intellegence], ricers care only about looks, have cheap bodykits, and bad paint. like the tiger stang, I mean he had sponsor labels from 3 rim man. and none of the brands were on his car, he even had a turbo sticker on it…I would have respected that car far more if it was dead stock.

Bash people who deserve bashing.

P.S.- Searching down someones pics on the internet and then posting comments that hurt their ‘good name’ in the veiw of the law is criminal. And you can be sued for such comments and actions, its called ‘personal defamation’. I should know, I’ve sued people on those charges a few times.

And its kind of sad that you’d spend the time and energy to do it.

I mean :whogives:

lolololol newman you are a GOD amongst men!

i heard k.williams talking about the camaro turned ferrari…he called it the “ferraramo” i lol’d for a while with that one…

yea the “tigerstang” was at swerve today(dont ask its a long story, and you wouldnt believe me if i told you lol)…got a close up look at it…hmmmmm, we all agreed its the newest “abortion on wheels”…

it isnt newmans fault he was born with the features of a greek god! :wink:
^ if thats the case then everyone on here would be suing everyone else every other day for “defamation of character” its a forum, get over it! and by calling someone ugly isnt “hurting their good name” they were born ugly, its no ones fault but their parents…however, calling someone a scumbag that cheats people out of money is defamation of character, if they of course DONT cheat people out of money…you can learn how to be a scumbag and cheat people out of money …and with saying that it would obv have to be proven in a court of law…hell if thats the case im sure i would have been taken to court hundreds of times for calling people ugly online or to their face…its not our fault she looks like she got hit by the what the fuck truck!

You seriously sued people, multiple times, for personal defamation based upon comments made over the internet? More info please.

Were you picked on by a bully as a kid?

wow…are you that desperate for attention that you actually needed to sue people for that shit?