haaaawt !
maybe those pics are over-saturated, but that red is a bit much. its hurting my eyes.
i like the idea, not so much the bike. i saw some pictures on West Coast Choppers site once where they made a Honda CBR into a chopper type thing, and it looked amazing. im trying to find the pictures.
much better if u ask me.
i’d ride it. thats why i like ducati’s in the first place.
that monster sucks
a little better… the write-up was pretty cool at least
i have to be honest, the pictures i saw of i were when it was still on the production stage, and im not really digging the finished probduct…if it was lower, had less chrome, used the stick swingarm and made the back tire tuck into the frame a little closer, then id like it.
yea i saw the build of it too, the wheels are horrid, too much chrome, way too much red all over, horrible frame design, i could go on. It went downhill fast.
There was a cbr bobber i saw a while back that i loved, cant find it now though.
those are all pretty fugly
So are Red Black and Chrome the only colors you are allowed to use on these bikes?
all the bikes posted have been lame. maybe the cbr would be hot if it wasnt soo queer looking
I don’t mean to sound like a queer or nothin, but depeche mode is a kickass band
Dunno, for some reason it it wasn’t Red I’d really like that.
looks super akward to ride