Why cant New York have sick looking plates?

Being able to have a FAST/nice DD year round… FTW

No snow FTW


<-- absolutely detests snow and cold weather below 68 in general

Thank you sir.

People don’t seem to realize that the grass is always greener.

I’ve went out with this girl who was convinced that her not being to afford education, her debts, her lack of a career and her “high taxes” on 18k a year gross would all be solved by moving to Virginia where she has no connections, no friends and no potential :facepalm

and if you guys think Arbor hill population is bad, wait till you meet some illigals (which are around 25% population of Texas iirc) I’ve had a guy HERE come in and try to order parts by speaking only in Spanish. I tried talking to him and he kept saying “no English, Spanish”, expecting me to break out in full on fluent Spanish to please him. I told him, last I checked this was America and walked off. It’s only worse there.

You implying that I dont own a nice vehicle? My car might be a POS but Id like to think my truck is nice.

Ive just never really cared much about license plates.
To me the yellow ones are ugly and I kept the white ones but really I only kept the white ones because I wouldve had to pay for the yellow ones. No sense in giving the state money money than necessary.

If you hate the new yellow plates save up a few bucks for custom plates (not just the vanity plate but sports, causes, organizations, counties etc) and you can have the white background.

Sounds a lot easier than moving to a different state.

It was a joke. You’re going to pay either way eventually, so you’re only postponing the inevitable.

It’s just a license plate in the end.

does anyone know how often NY changes plates? Like how many yrs from now will they come out with new plates or is there no set amount of time?

There’s no set time, the only reason they came out with the yellow/blue plates is because the “reflection at night” on the white/blue plates was “wearing off”…AKA, they just wanted to waste more money and take more money from residents.

ooo, makes sense.

ROFL at last part as I remember Vlad barely speaking English when he moved here about ten years ago.