Why do people think they are so tough???

he’s a lebanese PJB… ive figured it out… they’re related.

:lol There family trees are actually connected through a goat:rofl

and the squirrel cousin and beaver brother?

does NOT stop there

agreed. this kid doesnt stop… he doesnt know when to end it.

So then it is fair to say the family tree is more of a family wreath?

i was going to say that its not a tree… its a totem pole.:ahh

Al HaSan
dude Kramer is trah like the choose dump he just stinkis ok lol i am from troy man find me with bloods in rennsler troy hommie and chris drink a slimfast and ur girl is ass ill knock ur fat joe ass any day i am 50 cent u all just haters haha
13 minutes ago

Lance Senecal
Al, don’t get mad. All these foos actin hard and throwin salt in your game are just jealous you got your swag turned up and your sides on point. It’s all goodie mang.
12 minutes ago

Travis Koch
(southpark voice)… HOLY SHIT DUDE.
11 minutes ago

Christopher Cossey
Oh shit dude, was that a fat joke? Thank you man. I was reminiscing about the 80’s early, and you really brought me back there with that one.
10 minutes ago · Delete

Christopher Cossey
And I was serious about the haircut question. I really do wanna get my hair cut like that.
9 minutes ago · Delete

Al HaSan
thanks Lance i mean my hair is just the basic 0 in the sides an 1.5 iches to spike up and i am done with this stupid bullshit player hatein shit i do me and i do good make money club fuck hos thats all i kno
7 minutes ago

Travis Koch
just go bald cossey. its cheaper and easier. male pattern baldness runs in my family. im not bald yet though. (pjb reference)
7 minutes ago

Christopher Cossey
Yea, but where you go? Maybe we could meet up and I could show the haircut person your haircut and tell them that’s what I want. I need to look fly too, ya know?
5 minutes ago · Delete

Al HaSan
what dude stop fuckin with me my hair is ok my boy rj got his hair better than mine dude stop flyin my hair is ok not the best shit
2 minutes ago

Travis Koch
nice glasses. whered u get them shits? i wanna pair just like them… i dont wear glasses though.
2 minutes ago

Christopher Cossey
Nah man, your shit is the hottest I’ve seen, no lie.
about a minute ago · Delete

Al HaSan
well i got my sunglasses in CP walmart u kno swagin hard with it ok

im in awe of the idiocy…

His eyebrows are nice


THIS is the reason I hate ANY gangster person. They are ignorant beyond belief and so full of themselves. Confidence is one thing, dont get me wrong, but holy ball sac!

Why does he always reference his friends? I think they might circle jerk or somethin… “yo my boiz dick is bigger dan myne but he totally strokes me better.”

I like how he publicly annouces hes in the bloods as well…

Yo lets awl go out and get crunk in da club tonyte an fukc hood rat bitchez that all i kno how to do ni99a when they see me turn ma swag up dey no its on ima put the dik on dem hos

i’m actually speechless…

im pretty sure he rivals forrest gump on IQ level…seriously im waiting for him to say he owns bubba gump shrimp.

Possible epic-ness here. Possibly spread this Fb thread to other forums for ultimate - win?

I would die when a thousand or more people from across the globe are commenting on his FB

I think that this is better than racehatchindatass

ehhh he hasnt claimed to have fucked his sister yet… nor been arrested for smashing cars with pumpkins…

That one is hard to beat. But this kid does fall under the same category of stupidity. It is possible.

Although beating the call out on the sex-list, getting in trouble with the parents of said list, then going to jail for throwing pumpkins at moving vehicles is PRETTY much impossible to beat.

We have to go to lengths, like, go out on the town one night w/ this joker but have all the bouncers tell him he can’t come in because he is a joke. Live record the action of said events, then post. We MIGHT be able to beat racehatch