Why do people think they are so tough???

yea i’m forwarding this to all the bouncers downtown…

im seriously dying over this shit tonight.

i’m actually loling… :lol

fordham people are dyinggg over the video lolol. i showed it to one person now its on everyones facebook walls. didnt think anyone would find it funny caus they dont know the backstory, everyone wants in on tomorrow video though lololol

He just punked you guys on the new vid!! Lets roll him

i saw it. didnt mention me HAHHAHAHA

hes gonna get played soooo harddd tomorrow

i missed the video! wtf did he say???

i posted a link to it on singh’s status brah

shit he took it down

yea…i clicked fast but not quite fast enough…i take he didnt apologize at all?

please tell me people saved the old videos.

Nah he said everyone needs to back off him and a bunch of other bs

Al HaSan checking in here…wow the guy is a fucking tool :lol does he not see my posts? LOL

Hes retarded dude!

+1 for the second name…

repeater for the motherfuckin win!

Chris O’Connor November 17 at 1:25am
alright dude…heres the thing…im just playing around messing with you. its all good your a complete tool and i get that…but these guys are fucking crazy, ive known them for a long time and i promise you it wont end here…they will find you and make your life suck. just make the video…post it up, make em happy and delete…they will leave you alone

Al HaSan November 17 at 1:27am Report
ok my dude thanks for bein real with me and lettin me kno whats good


Yo dis ya boi yall need to back up off it and get shit strait man this is some fucked up shit man

James Nowelland fuckin speak english.
3 minutes ago

Al HaSanno i am done makein videos too u guys like make it not fun anymore u guys are rude
3 minutes ago

Al HaSanjames i am part black chill my dude
2 minutes ago

Travis Kochim going to turn ur moms asshole into a moon crater. imma use it for my personal cum receptacle.
about a minute ago

Chris O’ConnorNO your NOT
about a minute ago · Delete

Al HaSantravis ur nasty dude stop talkin like that on facebook man not cool
about a minute ago

James NowellI DONT FUCKIN CARE IF YOU’RE PART BLACK!!! speaking english has nothing to do with race. so because you’re part of a race means you can perpetuate one of its biggest negative stereotypes… so just because you’re part black you cant speak proper english and act like a fuckin retard.
12 seconds ago

Al HaSanu kno what i hate all u haters that talk shit about me if u have nothin nice to say to me u guys need to leave me alone and if u dont whatever
3 seconds ago

Dave Singhwat does part black (even tho u aint) have ANYTHING TO DO with you speaking english?
2 seconds ago