Why Hondas get a bad rep

the one kid looks like the kid i valet with… hes got a blue IX and he’s from the BX haha

fuckin sick

he would be PISSED if he ever saw my liscence plate LOL

prolly shoot at me.

wat… that car is an easy 120mph car… mid to low 11s

and he needed oil to heat up the tires???

im sorry, but I dont see how that is a easy 120mph car.

v.h.t traction additive drew

ahhh whatever its still a liquid

At that power level, those are the typical numbers

There was an identical set up to that, made 288whp, EG hatch…at Lvd one day and it was going 11.2-11.3 @ 121-123 all day long.

Realllyyy wouldn’t underestimate an all motor 280-300whp k series car…

“fast and the furious shit” :facepalm

edit: woulda fuckin shot that guy if he was rockin my car like that messin around with my dog

I need to go back to the BX, fuck this smallbany shit :rofl

lets make a retaliation video!!! im not kidding. we will call them out and only them, post it on youtube and let the wars begin.

whos with me?

one issue, i dont have a honda so delushbag, we will need u to be in the video. yea?


Im down

ok we need someone with a camera. tell them to come to LVD and race some real hondas and see where it takes us.

i love starting shit haha

Hahaha YES. This needs to be done. My Civic is slow as shit, but I can have it in the background to make the Honda “scene” look bigger here. :lol An army if Civics.

Ok vid starts out with me doing huge burnout in front of your house, you then run outta your house in your boxers shaking

i wanna be in the retaliashun video

Next we can put my 10.6 run in the vid and say yeh thats on 9psi and I run 45psi so Ima crack that ass

~1:30 did he say J Rod, as in our local J Rod??

Probably not