why me? seriously

I’m still waiting to see the 98% on the english report he had to write about the bird flu… :rofl:

**Hint of the day - next time don’t use a lady shick…


hahahahaha you are such a tool

Sunhawk here’s a reality check. You drive an auto. convertible Sunbird that’s riced out with a big APC wing and sweet APC seatbelt pads. Do you realize that combo makes you the biggest loser homo ever. If I were you I’d stick my head in the oven and kill myself.

suncock always makes me laugh

:zzz: suncawk, please stop posting! you would make us all smarter!

… it’s a fucking sunbird for fucks sake

:rofl: I love this kid…

pay attention to the part about him being 6’2" 210 lbs…lol

MOMOracing2001: :rofl:
MoeBobby130: who is this
MOMOracing2001: so you want to race what I drive?
MOMOracing2001: guess knuckle nuts
MoeBobby130: i dunno
MOMOracing2001: Ok here is a hint
MOMOracing2001: before you start calling out the cavalier maybe you should buy a clue and relaize its been gone sinc ethe end of june…
MOMOracing2001: what a fucking retard
MoeBobby130: oh 4 real i’m glad to hear that s&S
MOMOracing2001: so since you want to race
MoeBobby130: i thought you still had the cavy
MOMOracing2001: first spring day
MoeBobby130: what you driving now?
MOMOracing2001: I’ll beat your ass with my new vehicle
MoeBobby130: thats cool i hope so
MoeBobby130: i love racing
MoeBobby130: i just love my car is all nobody understands that
MOMOracing2001: well I bought a 2005 quad cab silverado in march and a ZX-12R
MOMOracing2001: so take your pick
MOMOracing2001: I can crush you in your car
MOMOracing2001: or blow thye doors off it in 2nd gear
MOMOracing2001: you keep digging at me about that cavalier and it was built strcikly for show
MOMOracing2001: not fucking speed
MOMOracing2001: and the fucking car has been sold for alomost 6 months
MOMOracing2001: pleae buy a fucking clue.
MoeBobby130: dude i don’t want no problems i just like racing. that shows how much i am on pittspeed
MOMOracing2001: right nice try dickface
MoeBobby130: i get on anymore to watch car videos
MoeBobby130: huh?
MOMOracing2001: I love how you are being all buddy buddy now
MoeBobby130: dude i think you honestly think i am scared of you or something
MoeBobby130: you WILL NOT punk me out
MOMOracing2001: LOL
MoeBobby130: i work at Rodeheavor’s hot rod if you want me so bad
MOMOracing2001: LOL
MOMOracing2001: what detailing cars?
MoeBobby130: no ass fuck actually i work on cars
MOMOracing2001: oil changes don;t count
MoeBobby130: Tim Rodeheavor
MoeBobby130: 7.5indaleed
MOMOracing2001: wow am I supposed to be impressed?
MoeBobby130: ehhh no motor builds
MoeBobby130: and i don’t care if you are
MoeBobby130: i have 2 jobs and i am a full time college student
MoeBobby130: i am trying to get by
MoeBobby130: and i’ll race you
MoeBobby130: cause my stang is almost done
MoeBobby130: shows how much you know
MOMOracing2001: yeah you needto go back to high school or Jr high after that post you made directed at me
MOMOracing2001: your stang?
MoeBobby130: yea
MoeBobby130: my stang bitch
MOMOracing2001: yet your fucking with the bird
MoeBobby130: yea
MoeBobby130: my loan
MOMOracing2001: I love this…
MoeBobby130: is for the stang
MoeBobby130: my hard earned money goes to the hawk
MOMOracing2001: LOL
MOMOracing2001: your a tool
MoeBobby130: your a bitch
MoeBobby130: dude i REALLY hope you know what your doing
MOMOracing2001: I;ll make sure I post this to let everyone know you are now a big man motor builder with a stang
MOMOracing2001: PEace
MoeBobby130: i don’t think you realize i am 6 foot 2 at 210 pounds


sorry I’m bored…lol This kid is the worst liar I have ever seen…

MoeBobby130: go ahead
MoeBobby130: its not BS
MoeBobby130: call Timmy’s shop
MoeBobby130: he’ll tell you i’m waiting to hear from my loan
MoeBobby130: ask him if you can take me please
MoeBobby130: your the tool
MoeBobby130: you can talk shit all you want
MoeBobby130: i’ll be around
MOMOracing2001: wait so you don;t own the stang yet
MoeBobby130: and the fact is i am more than a motor builder i do alot. I help timmy when he needs the help and i do it for free
MoeBobby130: yea
MOMOracing2001: so which one is it you got the loan or your are waiting for the loan
MoeBobby130: when hte loan is complete i will
MOMOracing2001: :rofl:
MOMOracing2001: You just said you already had the loan and the stang
MoeBobby130: no
MoeBobby130: i actually didnt
MOMOracing2001: Pittspeed material here I come
MoeBobby130: i’ll have it for summer
MOMOracing2001: oh now its the summer.
MOMOracing2001: /copy paste
MoeBobby130: my dads credit showed up on my stuff we have the same name
MoeBobby130: when that is cleared i will be approved

Now I since I bought my bike I never bragged about it beating cars but this kid is fucking clueless… :rofl:

MoeBobby130: i know where the stang is and its not going anywhere. I know what motor i am putting in and everything.
MoeBobby130: the stang i am buying already has mac exhaust,shorty headers,acell ignition,throttle spacer, hurst short throw
MOMOracing2001: this convo is now posted
MOMOracing2001: LOL

MoeBobby130: thats cool man
MoeBobby130: whatever you want to do
MoeBobby130: thats all you can do
MoeBobby130: but when you see me
MoeBobby130: you won’t do shit
MOMOracing2001: LOL you hide in UT
MoeBobby130: not really
MoeBobby130: im always out
MoeBobby130: not hard to miss me
MOMOracing2001: the street racing capital of the world
MoeBobby130: that was the place to go years ago my boy
MOMOracing2001: yeah I know that goofy looking head of yours sticks out
MoeBobby130: yea
MoeBobby130: thats what it is
MoeBobby130: my head sticks out
MoeBobby130: you brag about a truck
MoeBobby130: your real cool
MOMOracing2001: lol keep it up
MOMOracing2001: this is classic
MOMOracing2001: I never bragged about anything
MOMOracing2001: I;m stating facts
MoeBobby130: you’re claiming your fast
MOMOracing2001: my bike will blow by with out trying and the truck will crush your car
MoeBobby130: ok a bike wow
MOMOracing2001: :rofl:
MoeBobby130: i wrecked one of those this summer
MOMOracing2001: due you even know what a ZX-12R is?
MoeBobby130: nope
MoeBobby130: i wrecked a CBR 600F4i
MOMOracing2001: then keep talking shit…
MoeBobby130: i don’t pay much attention
MOMOracing2001: and make yourself look like ana even bigger idiot
MoeBobby130: i sure am
MoeBobby130: cause i don’t know what bike you ride
MoeBobby130: i sure am


-His Stang is alomost done, but he is waiting on the loan to buy the stang and he already knows what he wanst to do to it.

-Dale Junior is now intimidating because he is 210lbs

-He states I’m only claiming that I;m fast and he has no idea what a ZX-12R is.


Yup same old suncawk. This dude needs to get a job on Curb Your Enthiasim with lary david since he is so good at improv…

hmm… unless he gained 70lbs in 3 months

I love the crap about the mustang. He has been saying this shit since he came on this board…

no, he’s not.

does some one surpass him?

by a longshot. :kekegay:

Now you know we are talking about being a bad liar, not just a liar. there is a difference. :blue:

hey guys im going to unviel my 1000rwhp mustang in a few days.

as soon as i get a mustang.

I love it :rofl:

You know his dad or brother or cusin or somone owns half the the Pens as well.

wait you didn’t? :doh: