
Is everyone EMO ALL OF THE SUDDEN!!!??? WAH WAH WAH!!!
America wasn’t built by whiners. STFU! N00bs take the shit, earn the respect, stop bitching about it. /story

so true… this should be a daily beef about how pussy most people are… but whatevre… i dunno why people expect to be treated like a prince / princess all of a sudden… i still say fuck’em all.

Is it everyones resolution to turn emo all the sudden? There has been more bitching on here the past 3 days than i ever remember. STFU people :spank:

dont you have some Halo to go play? :greddy:


Fuck Emos

:bowrofl: :rofl: :bowrofl: :rofl:

Lurch talking shit one EMOs thats just fucking funny no matter who you are, its funny